This guide will show you how to buy a Skype Connect channel subscription, change your Skype Connect channel subscription and cancel your Skype Connect channel subscription.
Skype Connect channel subscriptions represent the amount of concurrent calling channels you would like to use with your SIP Profile and are charged on a monthly basis. Skype Connect supports up to 300 simultaneous calling channels per SIP Profile, enabling up to 300 concurrent conversations.
You can add a channel subscription to your SIP Profile if you did not purchase one when you first created the profile:
You can add a channel subscription to your SIP Profile if you did not purchase one when you first created the profile:
- Sign in to Skype Manager.
- Click Features in the toolbar.
- In the menu on the left, click Skype Connect.
- Scroll to the SIP Profile to which you want to add a Skype Connect channel subscription and click View profile.
- Click Buy a channel subscription to activate this profile.
- Enter the maximum number of Skype Connect channels that you think you will need.
If you're unsure of how many channels you think that you may need, click How many channels do I need? to display guidelines on the suggested number of channels, based on number of employees.
A channel subscription is for 30 days from the day it is bought and, unless cancelled or changed, is subsequently renewed automatically every 30 days. Skype Credit for channel subscriptions is taken from your Skype Manager’s credit balance, not from any Skype Credit allocated to the SIP Profile.
7. If you call the US a lot, you could save on your calling with US minute bundles. Each bundle includes a monthly allowance of 5,000 minutes to call landlines and mobiles in the US. Click Add US minute bundles and enter the number of bundles you think you will need. The total cost of the bundles per month will automatically be displayed.
Important: The number of US minute bundles you enter cannot exceed the number of channels you have entered.
If the bundle’s minutes run out before the next renewal date, calls to the US will be charged from your Skype Manager's available Skype Credit balance at Skype Connect's standard call rates.
8. Click Buy now.
To change your Skype Connect channel subscription:
You can only change your Skype Connect channel subscription for any SIP Profile once a day. If you change the subscription (for example, increase or decrease the number of channels), then the existing subscription is effectively cancelled and a pro-rata refund is applied to your Skype Manager. The new, replacement Skype Connect channel subscription is effective immediately and runs for 30 days from that date.
To cancel your Skype Connect channel subscription:
A channel subscription is for 30 days from the day it is bought and, unless cancelled or changed, is subsequently renewed automatically every 30 days. Skype Credit for channel subscriptions is taken from your Skype Manager’s credit balance, not from any Skype Credit allocated to the SIP Profile.
7. If you call the US a lot, you could save on your calling with US minute bundles. Each bundle includes a monthly allowance of 5,000 minutes to call landlines and mobiles in the US. Click Add US minute bundles and enter the number of bundles you think you will need. The total cost of the bundles per month will automatically be displayed.
Important: The number of US minute bundles you enter cannot exceed the number of channels you have entered.
If the bundle’s minutes run out before the next renewal date, calls to the US will be charged from your Skype Manager's available Skype Credit balance at Skype Connect's standard call rates.
8. Click Buy now.
To change your Skype Connect channel subscription:
You can only change your Skype Connect channel subscription for any SIP Profile once a day. If you change the subscription (for example, increase or decrease the number of channels), then the existing subscription is effectively cancelled and a pro-rata refund is applied to your Skype Manager. The new, replacement Skype Connect channel subscription is effective immediately and runs for 30 days from that date.
- Display the SIP Profile whose Skype Connect channel subscription you want to change.
- Click anywhere within the Calling channels row.
- Click Change subscription.
- Enter the new number of Skype Connect channels that you need.
- If you want to add US minute bundles to your profile or want to change the number of bundles you bought when you created the profile, click Add US minute bundles and enter the number of bundles you think you will need.
- Click Buy now. The new Skype Connect channel subscription is for 30 days from the day it is purchased and, unless cancelled or amended, is subsequently renewed automatically every 30 days.
To cancel your Skype Connect channel subscription:
- Display the SIP Profile whose Skype Connect channel subscription you want to cancel.
- Click anywhere within the Calling channels row.
- Click Change subscription.
- Click Cancel subscription. A message is displayed, warning you that you’re about to cancel the subscription for the SIP Profile and on what date the subscription will expire after cancellation.
- Click Cancel subscription.
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